Thursday, January 9, 2014

Days 6, 7, & 8

Ah, days 6, 7, &8....these days have been interesting for several reasons. Read on...

Tuesday (day 6) was a good day. Breakfast was the usual. Snack was banana muffins, and lunch consisted of a HUGE spinach salad with chicken, avocado, and hard boiled eggs. I missed my afternoon snack...which was fine. THEN Tuesday night got interesting thanks to a promotion at work that evening.

John and I had gone to the store to get a slue of healthy items. We stopped at the liquor store to purchase a limited edition beer that would be consumed once this detox was over. However, once I accepted my promotion at work a celebration was in order. And, this celebration was prompted by my husband of call people!! We devoured gelato, soup and sandwich at one of our favorite places, and then topped it all off with a Boulevard Tank 7 (ouch!). Let's just say the next chain of events wasn't pretty the following morning....

I'm not sure if I was hit with a GI bug or if it was my body absolutely rejecting the fact that we had a "cheat night" to celebrate my promotion. Either way, it sucks. I later concluded that this was a GI bug as it is still around on day 8. Trying to eat appealing foods on this detox while sick is not fun. I went to bed last night without having eaten something since lunch and have barely eaten today. I did have to break down and dilute some G2 gatorade in water. I WAS DESPERATE PEOPLE! I just hope this passes soon...

In good news, I am down almost 4lbs. Now If I could just feel better so I can get back in my workout routine, life would be awesome! I haven't worked out in a week and that workout a week ago was sub par. I need to get back into my 5 days/week as my sprint triathlon is almost 4 months away. Although I have time, I feel like it's going to fly by and be here before I know it. I definitely want to be prepared for this one.

We've got 13 full days left of this detox. Other than my GI bug I really do feel TONS better. I hope we can continue to eat healthy like this once this is over. I'm sure we will still consume alcohol and go out to dinner. But, I'm sure it will be less often.

Here's to feeling better (as I'm raising my diluted gatorade)!!

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